jeudi 10 mars 2011

Nudist Camping!!!

OMG I just spent the most fantastic evening ever! Who knew that hanging out with other naked hermaphrodites would help me decide who I wanted to be. Don't get you hopes up, I am still not sure if I want to be a man or a woman but I was able to discover what I wanted to be when I get older. I want to be a dancer in a burlesque bar. I can totally see myself there.
Well we spent the day playing basketball, hockey and plenty of other fun games. We had  wieners for lunch then we had oysters and for desert we had a foret noir. It was fantastic, I had so much fun. I got to meet plus like me (other hermaphrodites) I also met a guy/girl that i quite like. It resembled more a guy ( us hermaphrodites pick a sex to resemble physically so we don't have to answer awkward question for example i picked girl) so this hermaphrodite had picked guy and it was quite good looking. But later on in the day, I was talking to a hermaphrodite who resembled a girl and it kissed me an I got the best feeling in my body so I have a new crush. We are meeting for coffee this week end.I am quite excited so I will keep you posted on this too.
Over all I am very happy of this trip I took to the nudist camp and I plan to go back.
My next blog will be about my coffee with Cameron on Saturday so tune in SATURDAY !!!!

1 commentaire:

  1. I can only BEGIN to imagine the complications. They should teach Empathy in grades1 thru 12.
