mardi 28 juin 2011

life outside of my special care house

Hey guys, it has been quite some time but I have great news. I have been freed from my special care house and I set off on a world tour with Cameron. We started in Paris which was so much fun we visited  Disneyland and had a great time. Then we went oh my god all over the place it was fantastic. Well when we made it Mongolia that is when I asked the famous question and she said YES!!!!!!!!! I am getting married I can't believe it finally. We are planning a September wedding with about 300 guests and we will have the wedding in London. I am very excited I have decided that the colors for the wedding are going to be pink and blue since we are hermaphrodites. I think it is quite funny and cool at the same time. I am going to wear a suit and she is going to wear a beautiful white dress she will look amazing. We are going to have a drag queen as our priest and my flower girls are some of my best guy friends and Miley  Cyrus she is very excited.
Now I would like to tell you . you are more then welcome and will all be getting your invites soon. I hope you can all come and dont forget to wear black that is the theme for the guests <3 <3
I have never been more happy I could just dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance god I am tired now man <3 <3

samedi 7 mai 2011

Been a very long time ladies

So I am back and I have so much to report. So Cameron and I HAVE HAD SEX and it was fantastic. I am not going to go into details cause I could prob get kicked off this site but lets just say there was no problem with boy or girl shit. It was a magical first time. "she" truly is my soul mate. I can't wait till the end of my exams to be able to just be with her.
So another piece of news is that I am going to Mongolia next year with Cameron we are going to settle down there for about a year or two. " She" is going to work there and I am going to study the native tribes and how they survive it should be a lot of fun. I have always wanted to hang with tribal ppl
She makes my dreams come true. I think I might ask her to marry me i know it is early but have you ever felt so comfortable with someone you just know what you have to do to keep them. Well I am going to take my grandmothers ring and I am going to ask. If she says no I am not sure what I am going to do but I am pretty sure she will say yes. I am very excited to start an adult life.
Well I am also scared about leaving my friends but to tell you the truth it is nice to begin a new adventure. I am sure you are wondering if I have remained friends with Miley  Cyrus and yes I have "she" is quite a remarkable young girl. She now has a boyfriend and he is fully a guy and knows all about what Miley is. He supports "her" to the fullest. I think they too will be getting married soon hehe maybe we could have a joint wedding. No never mind I want my day all about Cameron and me.
I am so happy to be back and promise to keep you posted on what Cameron says. I will even invite you to the wedding <3 <3 I love you. Always have, Always will <3 xxx

jeudi 24 mars 2011

Guess who's back back again!!!??????

Hey hey sorry it has taken me so long to make my new post but i have a very busy life as you may know lol.
Well no worries i am back and going to update you on all my life.
I am in love and it is not with Cameron ( we are over "she" left me for her ex oh well) this is someone very close to me. It is actually not a hermaphrodite this person is just one sexuality. Now i am not going to let you know which one it is. So this person makes me laugh, they just make me happy. They listen, we have cried together, we have had good and bad times. It is perfect, except they dont love me back hahahaha. I joke my life aint not Hollywood movie I am still with Cameron. I kind of wish i could tell you this has happened to me but no. I mean Cameron and me are very happy we are actually going to visit her family soon. It is going to be our mini break before my exams. I am so excited.
I have written a song about me so here it is
I am the middle one, neither male or female
I can't choose if i want to be nailed
I am in between two places
But i am just the bases
of all people
I may have a vagina and a penis
but i am Lost
lost i tell you i can pick
I am in the middle, I am neither man or woman
And i still listen to WHAM
Kill me know and i wont be so lost

That is my song thank you
see you next time peace next time will be better xx

mercredi 16 mars 2011

sometimes I think!!

I do a lot of thinking as I spend a lot of time alone now. My friends, the few that I had before I told them I was a hermaphrodite, have now deserted me. So I was thinking and this is for all you hermaphrodites out there. Don't you ever wonder why we are this way. Well I have found the answer we are equals to GOD. As we all know well God is neither man nor woman. He is both. Us hermaphrodites are lost God's for other planets. I am so the God for the planet sun as I am hottttttt. Anyway I just thought it was interesting this discovery I have made. Don't worry I am going to be published in the extremely popular newspaper Hermaphrodites Tribune. I am sure you will all enjoy the article it will be published in next weeks addition.
Also I would like to give a shout out to Cameron for being the best "girlfriend/boyfriend" even. I am so happy. So tonight actually today while I was back at my boarding house she came to bring me 100 roses and a baby chimpanzee. I have named the chimpanzee the trickster and I am so in love with the animal. Cameron totally understands that I am not ready to start having sex because I am just as confused as you guys about hermaphrodite sex. Who is the girl who is the guy? Do we take turns? Will I organism from both parts? I hope some day I will be able to answer these questions. And I hope it will be with Cameron.
Until next time and be prepared my next blog will be epic so stay posted <3 I love you guys

lundi 14 mars 2011

the hermaphrodite dating site

Well as I promised you I would share with you some stories about this dating site I have joined it is called hermaphrodites united it is absolutely fantastic. The people on this site are lovely :)
So as you all know I am not looking for a "boy or girl" friend, I am just looking for friends because I am very awkward hahahaha as if no i just joined to meet more people like me.
So I have actually met someone on this site that you all know, there was Miley Cyrus. "She" is a hermaphrodite but "her" parents picked at birth that they wanted a girl and not a boy. But while talking to Miley it is obvious that "she" wants to be a boy. It is quite sad cause once you have the operation you can't go back and pick again. "she" is stuck with being a girl for the rest of "her" life. We actually have become skype contacts and "she" cried on cam with me. Hehehe MILEY CYRUS CRIED IN FRONT OF ME  ( mean i know but so awesome!!)
So ya I talked to a few other hermaphrodites they were pretty epic too but none like Miley Cyrus. I think me and "her" will be great friends. "She" embarrassed to be what "she" is, I am trying to get "her" to accept it and "she" is helping me pick between being male or female <3 I feel a great friendship coming along, one that will go down in history
Next blog I will talk about my relationship with Cameron and how I plan to take it to the next level

dimanche 13 mars 2011

My date with Cameron

Here are all the dirty details that you have been waiting for. A day late but here none the less.
So I met Cameron for a coffee in Beaulieu-sur-mer. It was fantastic "she" is absolutely hilarious. So" she" is from Nauru, the world’s smallest island nation, the smallest independent republic, and the only republic in the world without an official capital.I thought all of this was simply fascinating. "She" came to France in   2004 with "her" whole family. They all went home but she stayed. "She" is 25 years old and a sweet heart. "she" knows exactly what I am going throw right now. It is perfection. Now we started out just having coffee but we hit it off so well that we went to diner then a movie and ended up at "her" place. I did spend the night but don't get all excited we did not have sex.I want it to special not rushed. So I am seeing "her" next week end I am extremely excited. But dont worry I am going to be careful cause remembering my last relationship. I got attached way to fast and then got fucked over.
Anyway tune in for tomorrow's blog which should be quite a few laughs. I have joined this hermaphrodite website to meet other people like you and I am going to share some of my stories with you. Some people are absolutely hilarious
kisses my sweets <3 <3 <3

jeudi 10 mars 2011

the most famous hermaphrodite

this young man you all know for his incredible talent but one thing you probably don't know he is a very open hermaphrodite. So please start showing respect for him. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have the courage to do this blog! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN <3

Nudist Camping!!!

OMG I just spent the most fantastic evening ever! Who knew that hanging out with other naked hermaphrodites would help me decide who I wanted to be. Don't get you hopes up, I am still not sure if I want to be a man or a woman but I was able to discover what I wanted to be when I get older. I want to be a dancer in a burlesque bar. I can totally see myself there.
Well we spent the day playing basketball, hockey and plenty of other fun games. We had  wieners for lunch then we had oysters and for desert we had a foret noir. It was fantastic, I had so much fun. I got to meet plus like me (other hermaphrodites) I also met a guy/girl that i quite like. It resembled more a guy ( us hermaphrodites pick a sex to resemble physically so we don't have to answer awkward question for example i picked girl) so this hermaphrodite had picked guy and it was quite good looking. But later on in the day, I was talking to a hermaphrodite who resembled a girl and it kissed me an I got the best feeling in my body so I have a new crush. We are meeting for coffee this week end.I am quite excited so I will keep you posted on this too.
Over all I am very happy of this trip I took to the nudist camp and I plan to go back.
My next blog will be about my coffee with Cameron on Saturday so tune in SATURDAY !!!!

mercredi 9 mars 2011

The beauty of not knowing what you are yet

As most of you know as a hermaphrodite I do not know what I truly am if it is man or woman. I mean i can pick which to be i would have to have a medical procedure. When you are 18 you do not know who you want to be for me it is even harder, some day's I feel like a girl and other day's I feel manly. I hope that one day i will know who i truly am
did you know what i look like under my pants well maybe one of these days you will be lucky to see what is there :)

I am actually going to a hermaphrodite nudist camp tomorrow so that is what my next blog will be about stay tuned :)
I love you all and I am happy to be able to share my story with you <3

mardi 8 mars 2011



Hey so you probably are wondering what this is about. Is it another joke by Colombe, well no it isn't. I am actually a hermaphrodite. I haven't really told anyone before because it doesn't change who i am. I hope everyone can accept me for the one I really am, for the way God made me. God loves everyone of his children. I have not made the decision if I want to be a man or a woman yet but I will keep you posted on the matter.

This blog is going to be about a young 18 year old hermaphrodite.